Maxing Tax Digital - DEB Accountants


Thursday 6th January 2022



1. Members present
2. Apologies for absence
3. Minutes of the previous meeting
4. Matters arising
5. Chairman’s report
6. Treasurer’s report
7. Membership Secretary’s report
8. Topic: Making Tax Digital (MTD) – DEB Accountants – David Edwards-Brown
9. Any other business
10. Date and time of the next meeting (3rd February 2022 @ 7:30pm at Shaw Lane

  1. Members Present: David & Susan Adams, Stephen & Janet Barlow, Tracy & Mark Brazier, David & Janice Edwards-Brown, Christopher & Adele Lee Green, Ricky Hodgson, Dianne & Bob Holderness, Andrrew Manley, Kevin Monteith, Steve Newby, Raymond Newton, John and Jennifer Pearson, Shelley Royce & Richard Royce, Haydn Spedding, Robert Spedding, Gary & Jackie Watson, Claire & Craig Westwood, Jonathon & Emma Wolff, The Wroe family.
  2. Apologies for Absence: Lynne Carroll, Liz Payne, Andrew Barlow, Peter Medlam, Alan Robinson, Keith and Pat Blackburn, Helen and Jonathon Bemrose, Peter Firth, Dawn Gemmell, Shena Patel, Rachel Sykes and Ian and Jane
  3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting: Proposed by Dianne Holderness and seconded by Steve Newby that the minutes were a true record of that meeting.
  4. Matters Arising: None
  5. Chairman’s  Report:    Chairman Haydn commented that there had been little activity to report on over the Christmas However, he did draw member’s attention to the inflationary pressures on rents and rental properties. He advised members to take advantage now of the opportunities being presented since these conditions can rapidly change. In order  to  support  the Rent officer in compiling their rental data, he requested that members inform the RO of any changes in their property rental levels.
  6. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Susan, reported that the balance at the bank is £13173.72
  7. Membership Secretary’s Report: Dianne reported that there are no new members coming forward
  8. Meeting Topic – Makinq Tax Digital:  – By David Edwards-Brown                                     Since 2015 when George Osborne was the chancellor there have been proposals and steps made to simplify the tax collection process and this has been continuing ever since. However, due to implementation problems, including more recently Covid, the target date has been delayed until April 2023. David explained that there are some fundamental changes that Sole Traders, Partners, Landlords and Subcontractors should be aware of since the government intends to impose severe penalties on those individuals and firms that default. To illustrate these changes and requirements, David presented a slide show which he proceeded to narrate to the membership. These notes and illustrations can be accessed with this months minutes.  Also, David referred members to his YouTube video entitled ‘Beware of Tax Changes’. His firm’s website, where much of this information can be found, is available to anyone seeking assistance. The presentation was both comprehensive and informative and virtually took up the whole of the meeting time. Afterwards, and following a vote of thanks from the chairman, David received a very appreciative round of applause
  9. Any other business:  None
  10. Date and time of the next meeting: Thursday 3rd February 2022 in the Shaw Suite, @ 7:30 pm when the topic will be a business meeting.