All properties shall meet the following minimum standards to qualify for accreditation:

1. Primary Structures

1. Is the property structurally stable? *
Is the property free from distortion or spreading of roof structures and chimneys? *
Is the property free from distortion and cracking of walls and non-continuity of wall-ties? *
Is the property free from excessively sloping or collapsed floors? *
Is the property free from Distortion and movement of the foundations? *
Is the property free from disrepair? *
Is the property free from: loose or leaning chimney pots? *
Is the property free from loose masonry? *
Is the property free from leaking roof? *
Is the property free from rotten or sticking windows and doors? *
Is the property free from significant areas of rising damp prejudicial to health? *
Is the property free from penetrating damp? *
Is the property free from excessive condensation attributed to the structure of the property? *
Tenants should be made aware of their duty to ventilate and heat the property to help minimise condensation
Is the interior plasterwork in good condition? *
Are the gutters and fall pipes to the property of sound construction and free from obstruction? *
Are all boundary walls, paths and outbuildings maintained, stable and in good repair? *
Are gardens maintained and not overgrown or detrimental to the appearance of the area? *
Tenants should be informed of their responsibilities
Is the external repair and decoration of the property in good order and not detrimental to the area *

2. At The Beginning Of The Tenancy

Is/was the internal decoration in good condition? *
Is/was the property clean and in good order? *
Are/were adequate refuse disposal facilities provided for domestic, recycling and garden waste? *
Are/were all aspects of the property and equipment provided in good working order? *

3. Freedom From Hazards

Is the property inspected annually with regard to the 29 Hazards identified in the HHSRS? *
Are all identified hazards, noted and dealt with appropriately? *
Are all furnishings provided by the landlord clean, in good condition and compliant with Fire Regulations? *
Are all floor coverings on stairs and floors in good condition and firmly secured? *

4. Space Heating

Is the whole of the house able to be heated adequately? *
Are the occupants able to control the heating? *
Is the heating system properly installed and maintained safely according to the manufacturers instructions? *
Oil fired and solid fuel heating systems must be serviced in accordance with the manufacturers guidance
Do Tenants have clear written instructions in the safe use of all space heating and hot water systems? *
Is the property free from portable bottled gas or paraffin heaters? *

5. Gas Installations And Appliances

Do all alterations and repairs to gas installations comply with current regulations? *
Are the gas installation and appliances checked annually and a Gas Safety Certificate given to the Tenant? *

6. Electrical Installations and Appliances

Does the property have the following minimum electrical socket outlets: Living room - 2 double *
Does the property have the following minimum electrical socket outlets: Double bedrooms - 2 double : Single bedrooms - 1 double *
Does the property have the following minimum electrical socket outlets: Hall stairs and landing - 1 single (subject to size and practicability) *
Does the property have the following minimum electrical socket outlets: Above kitchen worktop - 1 double *
Does the property have the following minimum electrical socket outlets: Dedicated outlet - fridge/fridge-freezer *
Does the property have the following minimum electrical socket outlets: Dedicated outlets - washing machine (where applicable) *
Does the property have the following minimum electrical socket outlets: Dedicated outlet – cooker, hob and oven (where applicable) *
Are all consumer unit circuits clearly identified and properly labelled? *
Are all electrical installations checked every 5 years and a copy of the certificate given to the Tenant? *
Are all appliances installed in accordance with manufacturers instructions? *
Are all appliances provided by the landlord functioning safely and in accordance with the instructions? *
Are Instructions in the safe use of electrical appliances provided to the Tenants? *
Are appliances regularly visually inspected for wear and tear and any defects remedied? *

7. Energy Efficiency

Does the property have as a minimum 270 mm of loft insulation and cavity walls insulated (where applicable)? *
Does the property have a current Energy Performance Certificate within the current legal range? *

8. Kitchen Facilities

Does the property have satisfactory provisions for preparing and cooking food, suitable for the occupants? *
Does the property have a sink and drainer, with a sealed and cleanable splash-back? *
Does the property have a 250 mm wide worktop at each side of the cooker? It is acceptable to have one side of the cooker to a wall *
It is acceptable to have one side of the cooker to a wall
Does the property have a worktop at least 1000 mm x 500 mm? *
Does the property have food storage cupboards; (food storage below a sink is not acceptable)? *
Does the property have space for a refrigerator/refrigerator-freezer? *
Does the property have a suitable water supply and drainage for a washing machine (where applicable)? *

9. Bathroom Facilities

Does the property have an internal WC for the exclusive use of Tenants? *
Does the property have a fixed bath or shower and wash basin with hot and cold water and splash-back? *
Does the property have an effective drainage system for foul, waste and surface water? *

10. Windows

Is the property fitted with safety glass in all vulnerable locations? *

11. Lighting

Does each room have at least one permanent light fitting suitably located for normal activities *

12. Ventilation

Does the property have adequate ventilation to all rooms, by openable window or mechanical ventilation? *
Does the property have means of rapid ventilation in kitchens and bathrooms? *

13. Security Measures

Are the External doors of a strong, solid and safe construction and fitted with a 5-lever lock or equivalent? *
Are the doorframes strong and well secured? *
Has consideration been given to fitting door viewers and safety chains, where necessary and practical? *
Are ground floor windows and accessible upper storey windows of sound construction and fitted with locks? *
Are keys to all window locks provided to Tenants? *
Consideration should be given to both safety and fire escape purposes, suitable for the current tenants
If a burglar alarm is fitted, is it maintained, has it a 20 minute cut out, and is there a nominated key holder? *
Is external security lighting fitted where required? *

14. Fire Protection

Does the property have mains wired interlinked smoke detectors or, as an alternative, does the property have at least one battery operated smoke detector per floor, fitted in the circulation areas? *
Where the stairs lead into the kitchen is there a door at the bottom of the stairs and a heat detector in the kitchen? *
Are Tenants made aware of their responsibilities for regular testing and the battery replacement procedure? *
Does the property have adequate and safe means of escape in case of fire? *

15. Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Does the property have at least one carbon monoxide alarm fitted in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions? *
Are Tenants made aware of their responsibilities for regular testing and the battery replacement procedure? *

16. Stairs and Handrails

Does the property have handrails fitted to all internal staircases, including the cellar? *
Does the property have handrails fitted externally where appropriate? *
Are all internal and external stairs and steps of sound construction, safe design and in good repair? *
Three steps or more will require a handrail

17. Tenants Information Pack

Has the Tenant been given a Tenants Information Pack? *
Is a current gas safety certificate included? *
Is a current electrical safety certificate included? *
Is an Energy Performance Certificate within the legal range included? *
Are copies of all user instructions applicable to the premises included? *
Is a contents list / inventory included, signed and dated by both parties? *
Is the Deposit Certificate and Tenancy Deposit information included (if applicable)? *
Are the Landlord contact details included? *
Are the gas, electricity and water shut off point details included? *
Are the gas and electricity supplier details included? *
Is the Tenants Notice to Landlord to end the Tenancy included? *
Is the procedure for the tenant to leave the premises at the end of the tenancy included? *
Is a copy of the Complaints Procedure for Tenants included? *
Is a copy of the Landlords Accreditation Certificate included? *
Is a copy of the Landlords Privacy Policy included? *
Application forms should be completed and submitted online, or printed out and submitted at the next general meeting Please note that Houses in Multiply Occupation are not included in the scheme.